Sunday 5 June 2011

I'll be your best friend?

Well to conclude the national cyber safety week I thought I would share with you a new website that similarly to fellow blogger Belinda has recently been introduced to me. 

I'll be your best friend?! is a term frequently used on the primary school playground. However, today that playground is moving to a cyber world and I have to ask the question if these primary school students are still throwing around friend requests in this world? This is just one of the many worries I would have when taking a class into the cyber world via their computers. As adults we have an understanding of the level of security that is needed when we are on the web, do children? Do they also understand the idea of virus and many other issues that we just take for granted?

Well budd:e is a online website designed by the government to teach students about such issues as the ones mentioned above. Whilst looking over it I think it may well teach me a few things, the website is set out in a child friendly design that allows students to complete tasks that will ensure their 'cyber safety'. Whilst I was reading about this fantastic sight I was also intrigued to find out that it can be provided as a package included two activity based learning modules, this is definitely a program that I wish to implement when I have my own class! 

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