Thursday 9 June 2011

Who's too cool?

Reflecting back over this semester I have learnt a great deal, about technologies and learning technologies. I mention them separately because they are not one, I can not think of one technology that was only designed for educational purposes or to 'learn' on or with. However, as educators we use technology, how and why do we? Over this last week I was fortunate enough to read the article Too Cool For School? No Way! by Mishra and Koehler which introduced me to the TPACK model. TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge, what a mouthful right? Well simplified this model breaks down how teachers should use technology in the educational arena. As pre-service teachers we are both learning both pedagogy (teaching style) and content (what to teach) however as beings of the real world to we everyday immerse ourselves in learning about technology. The TPACK model suggest that as teachers we should have a great understanding of how the content, technology and pedagogy will all intersect as one. I could not agree more with fellow blogger Kate's idea that too often we are overwhelmed with the new fancy toys that we do not know how to use them to their potential. My learning about the TPACK model was greatly supported by fellow class mates Belinda and Kate's presentation.

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