Thursday 14 April 2011

It's Time To Hit The Beach?!

I have many happy memories of playing on the beach and building sand castles with my dad, and I’m not talking your average sand castles…these were epic they had tunnels, towers and slides for a tennis ball! But little did I know that I was learning.

The idea of the constructionist learning was pioneered by Seymour Papert, however I have learnt about it by reading an article by Idit Harel who speaks about constructionist learning through the analogy of constructing sand castles. The idea of constructionist learning is that children can learn whilst playing, doing, creatively and unexpectedly. Yet, constructionist learning is not limited to constructing with concrete materials it can be used via technology as well. Idit Harel talks about a couple of e-learning resources that allow students to continuously build on, reflect on, share and extend on. This is an idea that truly needs to be applied within classrooms and I’m going to do my best at doing so!

A reflection of my own learning!

Harel, I. (2003). Sand castles go digital. Retrieved August 4, 2006 at:

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