Tuesday 3 May 2011


The first day of prac exciting, I couldn't wait to meet the little kindergartens that I would teaching for the next three weeks and just as expected they were delightful! 

The thought of using technology in a kindergarten classroom had seemed daunting at the beginning of the semester however as the weeks have gone on I feel much more confident. When I arrived in my classroom I was surprised to see an IWB and asked the teacher if all the classrooms had them and yup they sure did, considering at my last prac all I had was a blackboard, this was a good start to a technology based practicum. The teacher used the IWB with nearly every lesson the students were engaged through phonic songs and games and I will be using letterland in my first class which I am looking forward to. I am a bit wary of conducting a whole ICT lesson (my co operating teacher has suggested) however I will give it a go and let you know how I get on! 

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