Tuesday 31 May 2011

So what would you do?! Copyright ©

Whilst talking about the ethics involved with technologies in schools we were posed with the question:

If you had a fantastic software but only 5 licenses and you had 10 computers would let the children suffer or break the copyright laws?

Well, let me tell you this caused a great discussion in our classroom that is filled with pre-service teachers. There were obvious answers of I would just copy it, others saying I would do what I could to fund the others and if not the children would miss out and lastly there was the group; I wish I wouldn’t but yes I’d copy them.

Copyright laws are often the ones we forget, how many times do you search an image on google and just use it yourself? How many times do you watch a copyrighted dvd. This issue really got my attention as I feel I am a very moral person and would never in a million years dream of shop-lifting. However, if you’ve ever used a copied version of photoshop or others are you really doing the same? In the eyes of the law you are, why does it often not feel like it among our own morals though? Is it because no one can see you doing it or because you feel you paid enough to even get one license?

Why do the generation of today feel that it is ok to steal software when we are completely against stealing physical goods?

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